

The Jetman has something to say about the crap that's going on lately. SERIOUSLY?! Yup.

Review: Super Metroid (SNES/Virtual Console)

Posted by JETZ.acx On Sunday, December 19, 2010 1 comments

I owed you people another Metroid review, and here it is. First off, a little story: Super Metroid wasn’t the first game I actually played on an emulator, but it was the first I was asking EVERYONE to get it for me in a fricking CD just so I could play it. It was during the time pen drives were starting to flourish, and I was stuck with using 1.44 MB floppies. You know how big was Super Metroid? 3 MB. Zipped? 1.5. See?

Fast forward to the present, I literally have this game in anywhere I could fit it in. My computer, my PSP, and my Wii all have Samus Aran’s third adventure (at that time), making it clear my opinion about it: I LOVE Super Metroid. In fact, hell, I could easily say that it’s my favorite in the whole series, with Metroid Prime and Zero Mission tied for second. With that out of the way, let me explain why I love this game so much.

Review: Metroid Other M

Posted by JETZ.acx On Friday, October 22, 2010 0 comments

I’ll admit it: I’ve flipped at the moment I saw that trailer last year. As soon as I saw Adam Malkovich and his infamous quote “Any objections, Lady?”, I knew this was something special. Of course, seeing it up close and noticing that it’ll take the same story-driven approach as in Metroid Fusion tells me that not only we’ll finally be able to see what happened to Adam before his eventual “return”, but also learn a bit more of our favorite female bounty hunter, Samus Aran. As Project M shows off promise (Team Ninja, hello), I can’t help but be hyped with this title.

Yet for some reason, when the game was released, reviews poured down on the game and started blaming it as the stain that ruined the once venerable franchise. People were saying that this would be the next Sonic the Hedgehog, or that Samus’ character was ruined. As a huge fan of Metroid I couldn’t help but feel a bit concerned about this, but I’ve decided to buy the game anyway – I was already deciding to do so anyways. Well, what do I think of it now? Let’s see.

Review: Metroid Zero Mission (GBA)

Posted by JETZ.acx On Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments

I remember very fondly the first time I played a Metroid game. It was in a Gamestop, where the newest Game Boy Advance SP model was showcased with Metroid Fusion as its title. While I was blown away with the back-lit screen and the responsiveness of the new button design, it was the game itself that really got me intrigued. It was a singular robot, in a clad-in-blue armor who received orders from a computer, and does missions all around some space station. Of course, I couldn’t play the whole game, but it did made me realize how badly I wanted a game like that. Since this was a time when old games were still sold, I bought the $15 NES Metroid cart for me to have a head start before delving into other territories. Yup, this was my first relationship with a completely-not-a-robot woman called Samus Aran.

Fast-forward to around May 2004, which was the time when my Mom bought me my GBA SP. I already knew what game I wanted. Nintendo Power was already hyping it with strategy guides and sneak previews. It was Metroid Zero Mission, a game just recently released about 3 months ago and that I was already salivating on the sight of playing through such a beautiful-looking journey. Did I make the right decision? From the day I first bought it and started playing it inside my parents car to today which I now play it occasionally on my DS Lite? Absolutely yes.

Chovi from Patillas: Forced Meme is forced

Posted by JETZ.acx On Tuesday, August 17, 2010 0 comments

As we are flooded with the newest viral sensation here in Puerto Rico thanks in no small part to a good half of a bottle of a DonQ bottle, I’ve noticed how 13-year-olds started to expand it in a whole new level. By now I hear that the poor guy has reached the deepest bowels of feared imageboard 4chan, and the video has been submitted to KnowYourMeme.com in an attempt to get even more attention.

Been long since I’ve write here

Posted by JETZ.acx On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments

I’ve decided to post a paragraph or two of whatever comes into my mind that can’t fit into a Facebook or Twitter post. It could fit on Facebook, but no one wants to read long stuff in there, and hell, I’ve only got 140 characters for tweeting.

So here’s what I’ve got in my head. I’m searching for people who I’ve known from high school, yeah? You could easily say “why don’t cha go to FB and check for mutual friends?” Or how about getting a Classmates account and start there? Not so fast.