

The Jetman has something to say about the crap that's going on lately. SERIOUSLY?! Yup.

Been long since I’ve write here

Posted by JETZ.acx On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments

I’ve decided to post a paragraph or two of whatever comes into my mind that can’t fit into a Facebook or Twitter post. It could fit on Facebook, but no one wants to read long stuff in there, and hell, I’ve only got 140 characters for tweeting.

So here’s what I’ve got in my head. I’m searching for people who I’ve known from high school, yeah? You could easily say “why don’t cha go to FB and check for mutual friends?” Or how about getting a Classmates account and start there? Not so fast.

We’re talking about elusive people here. I’m figuring that the two or three people I know and I would really want to keep in contact with seems to have disappeared. Namely, two ladies that I’ve known since junior high school. One is a girl I’ve met since sophomore whom I shared a lot with (and I still keep a drawing of her dearly), and we’ve bumped into each other (twice!) in a saleswhole department. The other…is a girl a year older than me that we used to chat regularly in English class and stuck out like a sore thumb from the numerous ordinary girls who usually like to joke around. She was there to be your friend, and that I appreciate it a lot.

I’m not looking for any relationships (both girls are already taken and way far away from my reach to try something) – just wanted to keep contact with them. I won’t say any names, but if you know who I am talking about, and have any leads, by all means do tell! That would be all.


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